Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Hi all. Please check out my cousin's blog ripgurl. pommomma.blogspot.com I'd put the link to it on mine if I knew how. I tried to leave her a post but her blog doesn't have that yet. I'll bug her so we all can give her a hello and welcome. If you read this cousin then welcome to the blogfam. Stay close to the center of the heard. It is the outer circles that get picked off by the wolves.


RipGurl said...

Thanks for the press. I think I have fixed the comment holds so that your comments will show. I just had put everything on high lock to maintain anonymity.

Most of all, thank you for the link up. I had set up a Facebook account looking for a network of recovering alcoholics. I kept running into road blocks and finally gave up. I really enjoy the cyberspace "meetings."

Unknown said...

I am off to welcomeand say hello and Happy New Year!