Friday, January 16, 2009

Miracle on the Hudson

As many of you have probably seen in the news there was a disaster averted yesterday on the Hudson river. A jetliner hit a flock of geese killing both engines. The well trained pilot perfectly set the plane down in the frigid Hudson river. The result was NO FATALITIES. All reports about the procedures he followed were described as textbook. One of the main things credited was his training in gliders at the Air Force Academy. Was God there? Of course He was. However I didn't see in any footage a giant mystical hand gracefully take an air bus and set it down safely. The crew calmly and efficiently did all things necessary for the best outcome possible. Looking at just the facts it would seem that God wasn't there at all, it was all human intervention. But, what went through the minds of the pilot and crew? Did they not meet calamity with serenity? They must have because imagine the result had they freaked out and panicked! Honestly who could have blamed them if they did. Only a trained, heightened yet calm state of mind allowed them to utilize their learned tools in the face of such powerlessnes . Speaking as an alcoholic who has had many disastrous water landings when my life was unmanageable and out of control, I am now gifted with The Promises (p.84 Big Book) After 12 steps out of misery I find that I too have moments where I intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle me and that God is doing for me what I could not do for myself. The only human intervention into my recovery is deciding to do steps and go to meeting so that I will have the training to act appropriately as His instrument. I can now help bring serenity where there is calamity and know peace. That my friends is as much a miracle as any plane floating on a river. Am I a pilot who could safely crash land a plane? No, but I did go to an AA meeting last night! :)

Happy landings



Syd said...

I believe that God was there. It was amazing that there were so few injuries. And that people were civil and helping each other. It was a great example of how God works.

Pammie said...

and now today...people are talking about law suits. If I live to be a million years old I will never understand that.

steveroni said...

Don't mention law suits guys will start suing ME for writing Blongs, and while I could probably pay the damages (time pmts), I could NOT pay the lawyers!

Successful day. I'm going to be, and I didn't drink!

RipGurl said...

Thanks for that! Sometimes I think fighting this battle is so menial that I feel stupid for not having a grander mission in life. Yes, each of us are granted God moments on our own terms. Thanks for helping keep the miracles in my life noticed and appreciated.

Unknown said...

I believe that God is here with us all the time, it's up to us to notice and care...what a beautiful post, thank you for the thougths and sharing.

Banana Girl said...

Just remember T., if God is your are in the wrong seat! LU J.